The purpose of a sketch a day is just to do it - sketch! It doesn't matter if it is an involved sketch or if it is a simple contour or gesture drawing. There are no rules except to sketch each day.

Life parameters can dictate the time investment, but a sketch a day commitment is designed to elevate the personal priority of sketching ... to enforce sketching. Making it into a "resolution" validates the activity (invests it with a bit of a challenge even!) and defends against competing demands. The sketch a day is designed for practice - to reinforce basic skills, and to provide daily contemplation on the issues of two dimensional representation.

Several of us are doing a sketch a day, and I would enjoy hearing from anyone else who decides to join in. We share our efforts, support each other, keep each other honest and... hopefully we'll have some fun doing this!

Click on any of the sketches to enlarge...
and don't forget to check out older posts!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 10, 2011

    The view is looking down from the side onto this robot bug, which was done very quickly and in a way that proved to be more testing than learning or skills practice. I didn't measure or take care to get my angles just so, and did not pick it up and make sure I understood the parts or how they related spatially to each other. I just drew what I could see. 
     The over-all shape of the two sides of the back is wrong, as they are symmetrical (I think), but the shapes of the flanges and the ways they stick out relative to each other stood up to re-checking although they also seem symmetrical. Being different lengths and bent at different angles they didn't appear visually symmetrical from this angle. I was pleased that although I just placed the legs quickly and freely by eye, when I hooked them up with the cross-bars, they actually met up with the other legs at the correct locations. My more casual free-hand is improving since I would have had to correct for that a few months ago...

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