The purpose of a sketch a day is just to do it - sketch! It doesn't matter if it is an involved sketch or if it is a simple contour or gesture drawing. There are no rules except to sketch each day.

Life parameters can dictate the time investment, but a sketch a day commitment is designed to elevate the personal priority of sketching ... to enforce sketching. Making it into a "resolution" validates the activity (invests it with a bit of a challenge even!) and defends against competing demands. The sketch a day is designed for practice - to reinforce basic skills, and to provide daily contemplation on the issues of two dimensional representation.

Several of us are doing a sketch a day, and I would enjoy hearing from anyone else who decides to join in. We share our efforts, support each other, keep each other honest and... hopefully we'll have some fun doing this!

Click on any of the sketches to enlarge...
and don't forget to check out older posts!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

October 14, 2011

    This is a drawing of a golden retriever, done from a photo. One day recently a young girl came to the door to tell us "our" dog had been hit and was laying under our car down by the road. Our dogs were both inside, but this little guy was laying in the gutter and acted like he couldn't get up. Eventually he did, but he was wobbly and trembling. We suspect he had been hit by a car that had almost managed to stop, and thus he wasn't seriously hurt. I'd like to think the driver stopped to check on him, but didn't know where he had gone since he had crawled under our car.  
    Although it took several hours, we were able to eventually find his owner because he had a micro-chip under his shoulder skin. He was a sweet little guy so I photographed him a bit before he was collected by his family. 
    Yes, yes... I know the tongue is seriously wrong... but I'm Done with this one for now. One of my theories is that I'm going to go back one of these days and redo the bad drawings from the start. Maybe...

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