The purpose of a sketch a day is just to do it - sketch! It doesn't matter if it is an involved sketch or if it is a simple contour or gesture drawing. There are no rules except to sketch each day.

Life parameters can dictate the time investment, but a sketch a day commitment is designed to elevate the personal priority of sketching ... to enforce sketching. Making it into a "resolution" validates the activity (invests it with a bit of a challenge even!) and defends against competing demands. The sketch a day is designed for practice - to reinforce basic skills, and to provide daily contemplation on the issues of two dimensional representation.

Several of us are doing a sketch a day, and I would enjoy hearing from anyone else who decides to join in. We share our efforts, support each other, keep each other honest and... hopefully we'll have some fun doing this!

Click on any of the sketches to enlarge...
and don't forget to check out older posts!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Feb 3, 2011

    I felt like having a "fun day" with the sketching, and Opie's sketch based on a scribble had reminded me of a car game we had played as kids. I scribbled this scribble without looking (in the original game, you could look, but this game was being played with myself), then rotated it until I chose a direction. I chose this one, then I tried to draw anything I could imagine based on the scribble. The rules say you can emphasize any existing line, but cannot erase or eliminate any lines. If there's an inconvenient line, you live with it...

     This is a Wynken, Blynken and Nod sketch. I darkened some of the lines, and if I had been clearer in my mind about the rear of the boat I probably could have made that a little less confusing, but I thought of putting wind sock fish in after some debate about what to do with that particular section of the scribble which didn't do anything for me... given the sky sailing aspect of the poem, I liked the idea and can live with the slightly confused way they are attached... after all, it's also all about a dream world and we know how loosely dream worlds deal with the details!


  1. Oh! I just realized that these are both from the same scribble! It's amazing that you could get this beautiful illustration out of that scribble. It's an elegant scribble, and you got a children's book-quality picture out of it!

  2. These Are the same scribble... I did the scribble holding the pad so the date was sideways in the upper left, scanned the scribble, then finished a sketch on it and scanned that. It was a nice break from trying to Improve myself all the time...

  3. This is my favorite, but don't you just HAVE to color it? Glowing Tomie de Paulo colors?
